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The 43-home scheme in South Kilburn made the five-strong shorlist alongside a museum in Poland by BBGK Architekci; a house in Denmark by Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects; a museum in France by Rudy Ricciotti and a block of flats in the Netherlands by NL Architects and XVW architectuur.

去年12月,有消息透露,来自英国的19个彩票365官方网站入围了356个入围名单,角逐著名的泛欧奖. These included FAT’s A House for Essex; MUMA’s Whitworth Gallery in Manchester; Caruso St John’s Newport Street Gallery in London;  DRDH’s Stormen concert hall and library in Bodø in Norway, 以及AL_A在里斯本的MAAT文化中心.

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